Simultaneous interpreting: working with text
Simultaneous interpreting: working with text (online workshop with Kilian Seeber)
講師のKilian G. Seeberは、スイスのジュネーブ大学の翻訳通訳学部の准教授であり、実は弊社代表右田アンドリュー・ミーハンの恩師でもあります。
Kilian G. Seeber is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Geneva in Switzerland, where he is the Director of the Interpreting Department, the Program Director of the MA in Conference Interpreting and Program Director of the MAS in Interpreter Training.
His academic background is in translation and interpreting, with formal training as a conference interpreter (University of Vienna), interpreting research (University of Geneva) and psycholinguistics (University of York).
Kilian has been involved in interpreter training since 1999 and has been training conference interpreters at MA-level, for professional development courses and for the European Institutions. He co-developed the FTI's Virtual Institute as well as its new online learning platform, TR@IN.
Kilian was the convener of AIIC’s Research Committee from 2015 to 2018. He has lectured widely on research methods in interpreting studies.
Date/time: Choose between one of the following two options (both sessions are identical):
a) 29 October 2020: 9:00 – 12.00 (Geneva local time, UTC+2)
Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HZukCj28RQypWdC2ucKl2w
b) 29 October 2020: 14.00 – 17.00 (Geneva local time, UTC+2)
Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_34uZgvjcRgmxOMcBAcvTwg
Venue : Online
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Kilian G. Seeber
Type : Workshop
Contact : Kilian.Seeber@unige.ch
Title: Simultaneous interpreting: working with text
Fee : 45 EUR / 48.50 CHF / 52.50 USD
Participants : 8 min, 12 max
Event details
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